Lady of the Leaves is a whimsical tale that danced into my head on the day I woke up with no voice.
Since I was visiting family, I took myself to my granddaughter's studio & decided to write and illustrate this story on TikTok lives.
The entire experience was amazing, the moments of creation are forever captured in real time on YouTube & it all came together in under one week.
How it happened
While in Florida, I was thinking about the leaves changing color, so with a quick peek at a security camera at our Pennsylvania church home in the mountains, I was thrilled to see that they were still green.
Thinking in my mind about how Mother Nature turns the seasons around, into each other, I started thinking about a tiny fairy with a paintbrush who would tap the leaves to change color.
Lots of the story unfolded as I was illustrating first, then writing, but the one thing that was constant was, Lady of the Leaves would wear an acorn cap for a hat.
Priscilla Houliston, author and illustrator, is inviting you to read all four fairytales about the seasons and join in the fun on the FREE PATREON group!
Illustrations live
This is the first time I've written a book where I illustrated it, then wrote the words. Since the idea was in my mind, it was easy to paint the pictures during the live sessions on TikTok.
If you haven't found us there yet, you can at @the1870studio
First came the pictures, all painted in watercolor with our friends on TikTok watching lives.
To watch the illustrations in progress, view parts 1 to 23 on our YouTube channel.

Next came getting the words out and in a rhyme. I used Note on my ipad to write in, then copy and pasted to KDP later.
The writing happened as I was illustrating.
To watch the writing process, view part 24 on our YouTube channel.